Welcome to our comprehensive CSAT update log, where every high impact, low change management update is documented.
Each update has a unique 5-digit code, so if you'd like to know more, contact Support referencing the code and we'll be able to provide further, more technical, detail.
Feel free to explore the back catalogue of enhancements and learn how they can enhance your CMap experience.
Week 33 2022:
28778 — Percent complete set to 100% when budget is zero
Some CMap users create projects with zero budget. In order to close the project, CMap asks you to set all percent complete sliders to 100%. When the project budget is zero, CMap will now automatically do that behind the scenes, speeding up project closure.
Editions: AEC + Consulting
Plans: Starter, Growth, Pro + Enterprise
28011 — Architects & Engineers: Prevention of Fee Inclusive double counting
This change is a consolidation of 5 separate updates affecting the following areas:
28011 — AEC Fee Forecast Report
28090 — Invoicing page
28009 — Revenue Schedule
28010 — AEC WIP Report
28008 — Project Details page
In essence, when a user added a Fee Inclusive external, it included its sales value in the total project value in the places indicated above. This has been updated now, so this no longer happens.
Editions: AEC
Plans: Starter, Growth, Pro + Enterprise
27792 — Muti Office Access update
This update only effects companies where both the "walls down" and "multi office access" features are on. This update restricts access to projects where the user doesn't have access to the office (via the Multi-Office Access Tool) and is not set as the Owner, PM or Co-Pilot (which includes accessing via the URL, the Search Box, or by clicking into the projects from within a report).
Editions: AEC + Consulting (feature)
Plans: Starter, Growth, Pro + Enterprise (feature)
Week 30 2022:
27413 — Stage dates to spread across project start & end date
This change is being driven to enable more customer's to make use of the fantastic "Staffing Prediction Report".
The Staffing Prediction Report took the budget from the Fee Estimator and predicted when that demand would need to be fulfilled using the stage dates.
The project start date was used as the default date for all stage start & end dates. This means that unless you took the time to update them, the Staffing Prediction Report wouldn't predict the demand as accurately as hoped.
Moving forward, stages dates will be set to match the project start & end date, greatly improve the accuracy of the Staffing Prediction Report.
What happens to your existing projects? They continue as they are. But (a little tip), if you update the project start date field, the new logic will kick in and the stage start & end dates will update to match the project start and end date.
Editions: Consulting
Plans: Starter, Growth, Pro + Enterprise
Week 28 2022:
24846 — Architects & Engineers: Update Future Schedule Externals calc in Story So Far
There were issues around how we used dates to drive the calculation and the fact that we broke the forecasting down into daily amounts, which meant the further into a month you went the less accurate the calculation for the current month would become (eventually arriving at zero ... unless you incurred a purchase invoice). A little confusing and inefficient. We've made an update to make this calculation more elegant.
Editions: AEC
Plans: Starter, Growth, Pro + Enterprise
28372 — Architects & Engineers: Future Scheduled Externals Cost update
This update related to 24846 (above), ensuring the update also applies when you run an Amalgamated Budget vs Actual.
Editions: AEC
Plans: Starter, Growth, Pro + Enterprise
25400 — Custom role & rate fix for project extentions
Assuming you have the feature enabled, you could create custom roles on a project. Assuming you have the feature enabled, you could then create an extension for that project. So far, so good. The problem was that although that roles on the extension appeared in the Fee Estimator, they didn't appear in the Customise Rates tool, so a support request was the only way to update them. That's no longer the case, and custom roles now appear there on extensions.
Editions: AEC + Consulting
Plans: Starter, Growth, Pro + Enterprise
25979 — Report Builder subtotals upgrade
Subtotal rows were calculated after the data has been merged into rows, which meant that the individual values that made up (for example) a percentage, couldn't be used to work out an accurate subtotal. To solve this, we've introduced a new "Show as" dropdown to the Custom Calculation Builder, which can be set to "CALCULATED".
Editions: AEC + Consulting
Plans: Pro + Enterprise
Week 26 2022:
28006 — Architects & Engineers: Fee Inclusive externals no longer showing in Auto Populate Invoice Schedule
Fee Inclusive externals appeared in the "Auto Populate Invoice Schedule" dialog, enabling you to add the value to the Invoice Schedule when they're supposed to be included in the fee. We've fixed this so they no longer appear.
Editions: AEC
Plans: Growth, Pro + Enterprise
27031 — Update to dialogs when archiving custom fields
When you archived (or attempted to archive) a custom field, a helpful dialog would appear telling you if the field was being used in a report, grid, etc. We felt the dialog could be even more helpful, including things like who created the report, who owns the report, etc., to help speed things up.
Editions: AEC + Consulting
Plans: Pro + Enterprise
Week 25 2022:
20613 — MS Teams Add-on: limiting Teams views to users
When using the "Link to an existing Teams Channel" function, users were presented with the full list of Teams & Channels in the dropdowns. This was actually due to a shortcoming on the API. The good news is, Microsoft have released an update that's made it possible for us to limit the dropdown options based on which Team(s) the user has access to. A big step forward!
Editions: AEC + Consulting
Plans: Add-On
21916 — Architects & Engineers: Time Charge Fee & Resourcing link fix
There were certain scenarios where the link between the Resource Schedule (and, by extension, the "Fee Plan Budget" section of) Time Charge fee stages in the A&E Fee Estimator weren't syncing correctly. This issue has been fixed, so any changes you make in the Resource Schedule update the corresponding areas in the Fee Estimator.
Editions: AEC
Plans: Pro + Enterprise
27467 — Architects & Engineers: Time Charge refactoring
The brief (and hopefully easy to understand) version of this complicated update is... there are multiple calculations being used for Time Charge stages in A&E. The reason for that is there are actually 3 versions of Time Charge stages behind-the-scenes (1 being standard, and 2 controlled as features). Because the calculations are (or rather: were) implemented differently, we ended up with some fragmentation and duplication in the codebase. We've completed some important backstage refactoring work, which means it will be much easier to maintain (and build upon) the functionality.
Editions: AEC
Plans: Growth, Pro + Enterprise
Week 24 2022:
20611 — MS Teams Add-on: linking to folders
We've made an important tweak to the "Connect to an Existing Teams channel for this project" function of the Microsoft Teams Integration. After you've selected the Channel, the options contained in the Folder dropdown are now limited to only the folders contained within that channel (rather than for the full Team).
Editions: AEC + Consulting
Plans: Add-On
Week 23 2022:
24403 — T&M invoicing: restore written off time
We've created a new tool that enables you to restore written off time. To access it, you'll need to update your Security Group(s). Enter the Security Group, and expand "Admin" under "Access Levels". You'll find a new option called "Restore Written Off Time Tool". If you enable that and click "Save", the members of the group will be able to access the new tool and restore written off time.
Editions: Consulting
Plans: Growth, Pro + Enterprise
25595 — Filter on T&M billing page
We've re-introduced the filter than enables you to refine the timesheet entries that appear in the "Choose The Time You Want To Carry Forward, Bill or Write Off" page when billing T&M projects. Simply click "Set Filters", select the start & end date, click "Run", and you're good to go.
Editions: Consulting
Plans: Growth, Pro + Enterprise
25596 — T&M invoicing: new backing sheet option
We regularly analyze the feedback we receive in Feedback Portal to see if we can identify common areas of feedback that we can "fix" for people. One such area of highly consistent feedback is on the data provided for T&M invoice backing sheets. You're welcome to continue using the existing version. But we've now introduced an alternative backing sheet containing the following:
- Person
- Date
- Hours
- Charge Rate
- Value
- Notes
- Hours Total (sum of all hours for the user)
- Value Total (sum of all values for the user)
- Total Fees (sum of all user value totals)
If you'd like to flip this backing sheet, or take a closer look, please contact Support.
Editions: Consulting
Plans: Growth, Pro + Enterprise
Week 20 2022:
22605 — Invoicing accuracy updates
We've made a number of improvements that will help to improve your control of invoicing accuracy. These include:
1. The ability to set a "Currency" for the invoice template (in the "Invoice, Credit & PO Templates" admin tool), which will help users to select the correct template
2. A "Currency Discrepancy" soft warning dialog when the user attempts to create an invoice using a template that uses a different currency
3. A "Tax Rate Discrepancy" soft warning dialog when the user attempts to create an invoice where the selected tax rate differs to the rate managed using "Set Default Tax Rates" on the company record
Editions: AEC + Consulting
Plans: Growth, Pro + Enterprise
20565 — Architects & Engineers invoice schedule indicate invoice status
This is set to be a popular one! We've introduced color-coding to the Invoicing Schedule in A&E. This means you can now determine if the invoice value is scheduled, approved, invoiced, paid or part paid. The color-coding follows the same format as the Invoicing Calendar report
Editions: AEC
Plans: Growth, Pro + Enterprise
26352 — Time off approval email fix
We fixed an issue for clients that a use a time off feature which prompts Project Managers to approve holiday requests if the user is booking time off during a period when they're resourced to one of their projects. The issue was that if the user booking time off was the Project Manager on a project, they'd receive the email to approve their own holiday, not their approver. This has now been rectified.
Editions: AEC + Consulting
Plans: Starter, Growth, Pro + Enterprise
Week 16 2022:
15857 — Report Builder Time off Data Fixes
There were 2 issues we solved as part of this fix: (1) Time off data has been tricky to use in Report Builder. In essence, some of the values are split when they should be added together, which impacts the calculations you're trying to build, and (2) Report Builder wouldn't show users in a Time Off report unless they had booked time off (as it looked for data, rather than an absence of it). These issues have now been resolved.
Editions: AEC + Consulting
Plans: Pro + Enterprise
20520 — Architects & Engineers Story So Far Future Externals Calculation update
The A&E Story So Far includes the fees for won workstages. However, the future costs were included from all stages. We've updated the calculation to bring everything in line, meaning future costs are now only included for won stages.
Editions: AEC
Plans: Pro + Enterprise
22594 — Consolidated Invoicing - Crediting & Resetting using the Detailed approach on T&M projects
N.B. This update only applies to Consulting (not AEC) customers using the "Consolidated Invoicing" feature.
When a consolidated invoice was created containing Time & Materials projects using the "Detailed" approach, and then credited, the parent invoice was credited but the associated invoices on the consolidated invoice were not credited back. This has now been resolved.
Editions: Consulting
Plans:Growth, Pro + Enterprise
23416 — Consolidated Invoicing - T&M + FF projects - Detailed approach - Crediting
Time & Materials and Fixed Fee projects can be combined onto a consolidated invoice. However, they have different methods for being credited. To get this working in a slicker manner, we now credit Fixed Fee elements in the same way as T&M (but without the detailed information).
Editions: Consulting
Plans: Growth, Pro + Enterprise
22993 — T&M - Disable delete icon on the timesheet row for locked timesheet entries
If a timesheet entry has been billed or written off it was locked in the timesheet so the user couldn't update the timesheet entry. However, the user could still delete the timesheet row and, therefore, delete the locked timesheet entry. To remedy this, we've disabled the delete icon on the timesheet rows containing locked timesheet entries.
Editions: Consulting
Plans: Growth, Pro + Enterprise
23250 — Detailed T&M - Not allowing time to be moved once invoiced and credited
Timesheet entries which had been written off and then the timesheet had been deleted still showed the write off value in 2 places (1) the "Fees Written Off" field in the Invoicing Summary and WIP Panel, and (2) in Report Builder. Also, you could move timesheet entries to other projects and break the link between the timesheet record and the invoice + credit note. This has no been fixed.
Editions: Consulting
Plans: Growth, Pro + Enterprise